Why Cats Purr

Do cats purr because they’re happy? That’s not always the case.

Do cats purr because they're happyFranny Spiefy, a cat expert on About.com, answers these and other questions in her post “The Remarkable Purr of a Cat”

“Do cats purr when they are alone?” What a great question! Truthfully, I don’t know if cats purr when they are alone. It seems likely that they do, if one understands a little about why cats purr.

Most experienced “cat wranglers” now know that cats don’t purr only when they are content and happy. They also purr during tense or traumatic moments. When suddenly and violently injured, even at moments near death, a cat will often purr. I’ve often likened this to saying, “Please don’t hurt me any more. I’ll  be good,” but studies have put a more scientific spin on this seeming anomaly. It seems that the measurable Hertz of a cat’s purr lies between 25 and 150. Coincidentally (or not) it has been found that sound frequency in this range can stimulate bone growth and healing. ¹ A newer theory is that purring releases endorphins – natural analgesics that reduce pain while healing proceeds.

Want to read more about cats and purrs? Check out this article.




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