Before Adopting A Cat

What are the things you need to think about before you adopt a cat?

Deciding to adopt a cat involves a lot of preparation. As your feline friend will become a new member of your family, it’s crucial that you make the relationship a lasting one.

Before Adopt A Cat Consider Food
Adopt a Cat Feeding by Lady

Suggest before you adopt a cat and bring home. Go ahead and find out what the kitty was eating in the shelter or foster home. Be a good idea to provide the same food and ease the transition. It may also be a good idea to consider your cat’s size when you shop for supplies to ensure that they will be suitable for your pet.

Cat Supplies In Home Before Adopt a Cat Cat water dishes

  • Food and water bowls
  • Litter box with a scooper
  • Collar with an ID tag containing your contact information
  • Pet carrier
  • Pet toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Nail clippers
  • Cat toys
  • Non-toxic cleaner
  • Brush or comb


Cat-proofing Home Before Adopt A Cat

After you’ve stocked up on essential cat supplies, you need to prepare a safe room for your new pet. You need to cat-proof your home to ensure that both your feline friend and your household items are secure. Start by getting down to a cat’s level and view what hazardous temptations for a feline are present in your home then remove them. What’s important is that your cat has an area inside your home where they can be safe to retreat and rest.

Adopted cat scratching needsAdopt a Cat Scratching Post

Another integral part of cat-proofing your home is to understand that your feline has scratching needs. It’s almost as necessary to cats as breathing and eating. This is because cats use their claws as an essential tool for many things.

Make sure that you provide your cat with a scratching post or any surface where he can scratch to his heart’s content without sacrificing your expensive furniture.

Cost of Adopting A Cat

More likely, adoption cat rescue or shelter may charge you a fee to cover the cost of taking in lost or unwanted animals. You may also have to pay for neutering or spaying before you can bring your new cat home. Other cat care expenditures that be good to consider include

  • Routine veterinary care
  • Licensing
  • Permanent identification such as a microchip
  • Professional grooming
  • Food


Vet Clinic visitAdpt a Cat Kitten held by Vet

Your cat’s first visit to the veterinarian is crucial in ensuring that your pet is in good health. This is also the chance for your cat to get their needed vaccinations and to arrange for spaying or neutering procedure.


Feed the Right Diet

Setting up a healthy diet for your cat as early as possible will set the stage for a healthy life. Make sure to only provide high-quality cat food to ensure not just longevity but the overall quality of life that want for your feline friend.

Providing fresh water is also crucial to your cat’s well-being. Even though cats are descendants of desert animals, it’s still important for them to be well-hydrated especially if you feed him a dry food diet. Also, keep in mind that cats usually need to be fed 1 to 2 times a day and more often in the case of kittens.


 Litter boxAdopt a Cat Litter Boxes In Your Home

Cat’s litter box may be foul-smelling. Besides food and water, a litter box is critical not only for home hygiene but also for your feline’s comfort and health. Make sure to have a litter box ready and clean it regularly so that you don’t have to worry bad odor or about out-of-box accidents. Litter boxes problem for you? Checkout our Litter Box Cleaning Service


 Plenty of Play

To build a successful relationship with your cat, you need to ensure that you can provide adequate playtime. Felines love to play and are good inventing their own games. There’s no need to purchase expensive pet toys often cats will play all kinds of things including boxes.


Make time to bond with your adopted catKitten Senior Women lap

Adopting a cat is a serious responsibility. You need to be 100% sure that you’re capable and ready for it. Make certain that you have enough time and patience to work with a new cat from their youth to adulthood.

And don’t expect to become fast friends. It may take some time to form a bond with your new cat. Long as you do all you can to provide the care and love he deserves – everything will work out well.

Be good as a responsible cat parent spend an hour or more giving full attention to a feline friend. This may include simple activities such as lap time on the couch, grooming, training, playing, or exercising. Don’t fret when you need to be away checkout our Cat Sitting Service

Guest AUTHOR BIOFarah Al=Khajai Profile

Farah Al-Khojai is the Managing Partner of Pet’s Delight. A passionate entrepreneur, Farah holds a BSc in Government from the London School of Economics. She is always on the lookout for new opportunities to develop and grow the pet and equestrian retail and wholesale market in the UAE and beyond, and is proud to be at the helm of the first and the largest pet care provider in the market.





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