Guide Joy of Pets

Guide Joy of Pets: How pets can impact our health and wellbeing

Bringing a furry friend into your home is like introducing a new family member. Cats can offer companionship and loyalty to everyone in the household. Even support the development of younger members of the family. Cats of all different shapes and sizes also benefit pet parents’ mental and physical health.

The Joy of Pets Guide Cat Sitter with pet cat

In the Joy of Pets guide, by Compare the market, the survey revealed that 85% of pet owners agreed that animal companions help to reduce loneliness. In U.S. 2022 70 % of households, 90.5 million homes a pet as of 2022.  69 million U.S. households have a pet dog. Compared to 45.3 million with a cat. 3.5 million American households own a horse, and 2.9 million own a saltwater fish. A pet cat’s presence alone is enough to help improve our mental well-being.  94% of pet owners stated simply having a pet made them happy.

Pet Cat Companionship Child's Joy of Pets

Ownership of a cat is a huge responsibility, and the decision should never be taken lightly. The vast benefits speak for themselves. Find out if a cat is right for you.  Find out more about the importance of pet companionship. Read the full guide here.

Author Bio

Harriet Keeper is a pet owner and mom of two. She enjoys spending time outside with her family. Often finds herself struggling to train her dog to do agility.  She loves spending time outdoors and trying new things with her loved ones.



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