6 Proven Tips Find Missing Cat

6 Proven Tips to Find Missing Cat

and Keep Them Safe for Good

Is your cat missing? The first thing to do when your cat goes missing is to remain calm. Panicking will not help you, even though losing your cats is probably the worst nightmare you, as a pet parent, can face. However, keep a level head because your indoor cat may be lurking behind a bush, in your neighbor’s yard, or under a porch. There are many tips to find your missing cat, which this blog is going to share with you. Let’s read it.

6 Proven Tips to Find Your Missing Cat 

Do not panic.

One of the first tips for finding your missing cat is not to panic, as mentioned above. Sometimes you may not even realize that your cat is missing unless it is lunchtime. Instead of panicking, you need to have a clear mind and follow a few steps to find your cat. For instance, you can start with a physical search and then move on to getting help from a professional.

Conduct a physical search.Cat in box moving into Cat-Friendly Assisted Living Apartment

One of the best methods to find your lost cat is to conduct a physical search. For this to work, you can make a sound or call the cat’s name (in both cases, do things that work for them). Here are all the places you can search:

  • Unless you know your cat went outside, you should check every corner of your home, under the bin, and even the food can.
  • Next, it is time to search for the cat outside the house. It means checking the open garages, sheds, decks, bushes, and more. 
  • Go to your neighbor’s house to look for your missing cat. They love to hide near your house. So, your neighbor’s toolshed, garage, or garden is the perfect place for them to hide.

Carry a few supplies to help find the missing cat 

It is super important that you carry a few supplies with you when looking for your cat, especially outdoors. For instance, carry a towel to wrap the cat around when you find it. That will ensure you do not get injured by handling an unhappy cat. Also, carry a flashlight, some treats for your cat, and a fully charged phone.

Get help with the searchmissing cat found hiding

If you cannot find the cat on your own, one of the best tips for finding your missing pet is to get help from a professional. It will allow you to extend the search, and you might find the cat sooner. So, take help from trained MARs or vets or fire department people. You can also get help from your neighbors. A collective team effort can help you find your cat sooner.

Use online resources to find missing catMissing cat flyer

If your cat has been missing for more than a day, posting about it is the next step. You can post about the missing cat on your social media. Or you can post it on pet forums, which is quite helpful. Do not forget to share a photo of your cat with your friends and family. The more people know, the better. Also, you can make pamphlets or fillers and post them on poles and bulletin boards. All this will help you find your cat sooner. 

Set a trap to capture a missing cat

  • Setting a trap is a great way to bring your cat back home. You must know how to set up a trap and what to do when the cat goes inside the trap you created. 
  • Create and set up a feral cat, and ensure you put the trap near the home and even place some food inside.
  • Cats have great olfactory receptors, so it is a good decision to put some of your cat’s favorite treats into the trap or near the gate of your home.
  • You can even put their favorite food or treat in the trap, as it is a great way to attract the cat.

How do you ensure your cat does not go missing again?Cat Looking out window at Winter Wonderland

Do you want to keep your cat safe for good? Then, limit the cat from roaming outside without supervision.

  • You can install a window perch, build or buy a catio, or even train the cat to walk using a harness or leash. 
  • You can get a microchip implanted in your cat. It should be updated to ensure the cat does not get lost again.
  • You can put an ID tag, a collar, and even a pet tracking device on it. All these things can help your cat stay safe, too. 
  • Consider installing a pet or baby guard to keep the pet from going outside.


So, these are the tips to find your missing cats that are proven to work. Cats are curious by nature, and they will end up in strange places like a bin or under the bush. Most of the time, these tips are enough to keep your cat safe and sound. But if the cat is stuck in a place that is dangerous or somewhere you cannot reach, it is better to call a professional like animal control or the fire department for help. Lastly, when you find your pet, be calm. If you get too excited, you might make her nervous and run away, which you do not want.




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